First Connection
- Receive an email from Wishibam Support
- Once your account has been created, you will receive an email from “Wishibam Support” titled Create your Wishibam Marketplace space.
- Click on Join to get started and you will end up on the sign up page
- Sign-up
- Enter a username
- Enter an email address - must be the email on which you received the invitation
- Create a password - this will be the password used to access your products and orders
- Verify your email address
You will receive an authentication email on your emailing box.
- Create your Stripe Account
Before you can access your account, you will need to create your Stripe Account. This is the account needed to receive your payments when a customer buys from your store online.
This Stripe account is connected to your bank account and works somewhat like a Paypal account: the customer pays online, the money is directly deposited on this stripe account and then transferred to your bank account either automatically or manually.
If you have any questions regarding Stripe, you can contact the Stripe support team - or your integration contacts
- Once your Stripe Account is created, you are connected to the marketplace. You should see a screen that resembles this
- If the language is not english
- Click on your profile
- Change language to English and save on the bottom right corner
Connecting to your account
- Go to
- Sign-in
- Enter email address
- Enter password
- You are connected to your account